Telegram predsednika Vilsona Nikoli Pašiću

President Wilson’s July 31, 1918, telegram to the Serbian PM-equivalent / Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Pasic, Corfu

Your telegram sent on July twenty-eight has met with a very response in my own heart and I’m sure will meet with an equally warm response in the hearts of everybody in the United States. We know the deep waters of suffering through which Serbia has passed and our sympathies not only, but our profound friendship and an eager desire to help, follows your courageous people through every state of the present tragical course of the war. I’m sure that justice to Serbia stands at the very top of any program of justice in the thoughts of every thinking and patriotic man in the United States. Please accept my warm personal greetings.

Woodrow Wilson

Telegram predsednika Vilsona, od 31. jula 1918. godine, upućen Nikoli Pašiću, vršiocu dužnosti premijera Srbije / ministru inostanih poslova, Krf

Telegram koji ste mi poslali 28. jula me je vrlo dirnuo i siguran sam da će izazvati podjednako emotivne reakcije kod svih u Sjedinjenim Državama. Upoznati smo sa velikim patnjama kroz koje je Srbija prošla i naše saosećanje, kao i naše iskreno prijateljstvo i velika želja da pomognemo, su uz vaše hrabre ljude u svakom trenutku tokom ovog tragičnog rata. Siguran sam da se pravda za Srbiju nalazi u vrhu prioriteta svakog mislećeg i patriotskog stanovnika Sjedinjenih Država. Molim Vas primite moja najsrdačnije lične pozdrave.

Vudro Vilson